Gwen Goes Grocery Shopping

Gwen was excited. Just 16, her parents had left her alone for the weekend. It being Summer, a pool party with her friends at her house would be totally excellent! She'd already phoned her friends, now all she needed to do was to pick up a few things from the grocery store. She got into her Ford SuperDuty pickup, with the dual rear wheels; she loved the truck, it was big and strong like her, but of course she was far stronger than any mere truck!

Gwen walked into the store. She made an impressive sight, at 6'9" of solid muscle. Her chest was enormous, nearly equalling her height, but added to that were her breasts; her bust was twice her height. The rest of her was in proportion: 30 inch biceps, legs that went on forever and were as thick as tree trunks. The only part that wasn't proportional was her rather small butt.

Gwen took a shopping cart and went to the produce area. Spotting a large display bin filled with 300 watermelons, she poked her finger into one of the melons. A brown liquid gushed forth. "God, these watermelons are rotten!" she screamed. Gwen reached down and picked up the heavy wood display bin. Noticing the produce manager on the sales floor. she threw the bin at him. He managed to duck in time; the bin smashed to bits against the concrete wall and burst watermelons showered the poor man.

Gwen then walked to the beverage aisle and picked up a bag of whole bean coffee. She poured the coffee into the grinder and turned it on. But nothing happened. Angered, Gwen smashed her fist into the machine, totally obliterating the metal cover, grind assembly, and drive motor. Only then did she notice it was unplugged. "Oh well, it needed maintenance anyway," she rationalized.

Gwen then went to the hot food area. Noticing chicken drumsticks being cooked, she reached into the fryer, oblivious to the boiling oil, and picked one up and proceeded to eat it, bone and all. "What are you doing?" screamed the deli clerk. "Don't you give free samples?" asked Gwen.

Gwen then went to the refrigerated lunchmeat case. She picked up a package of hot dogs, but the wrapper was torn and the meat had dried out. Throwing the package down in disgust, Gwen then grabbed the bottom of the case and tore it loose from the floor, breaking apart the steel studs. She picked the entire case up over her head and threw it hard against the wall, buckling the case and splitting the concrete wall. The store manager approached and said, "What are you doing?" "This meat is spoiled," retorted Gwen. "You should be ashamed to sell such products!"

Gwen then went to the alcoholic beverage aisle and saw a large cooler filled with her favorite beer. Disregarding the posted sign, "Must be over 21 to purchase," she grabbed the entire cooler and easily hoisted it up to her right shoulder. "Damn store is pissing me off, they owe me this beer for the grief they've caused me," she said to herself as she began walking to the front of the store. But the height of the cooler combined with her own not insubstantial height, exceeded the clearance of the store lighting. Fluorescent fixtures were torn from the ceiling as she walked, leaving a trail of broken glass in her wake.

Now that she has beer, she needs ice, and Gwen spotted an ice cooler. Disregarding the fact that the ice cooler was bolted to the floor, she picked it up, tearing the steel studs loose from the floor, and hoisted it up to her left shoulder. "These doors are much too small," Gwen said as she made her own door by powering through the front wall of the store, shattering glass and brick alike.

As she left the store and entered the parking lot, a police car drove up, having been called by the store manager. The two cops got out and one shouted to Gwen, "Freeze where you are, young lady!"

Gwen casually walked over to her truck and emptied the ice cooler into its bed. As she was doing so, she felt a light tingle on her back and heard the cop's gun discharge. "You bastard, you shot me!" Gwen screamed at the cop. She then threw the empty ice cooler at the patrol car, smashing its windshield and destroying its hood. The car sank on its suspension and the front tires blew. Both cops fled in panic.

Gwen then emptied the beer case into her truck. The store manager and cashiers were standing at the window staring at her. "Here, you can have this back!" Gwen exclaimed as she threw the case through the remaining plate glass window of the store. She looked on as the case hit the cash registers, causing them to explode in a shower of sparks. "Fucking assholes, I'll never shop here again," Gwen said to herself as she drove away.

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